The Dutch Digital Economy and The Future of Work

Last week The METISfiles presented the results of their Dutch Digital Economy study for Dutch parliament policy makers and assistants at Equinix Am3 Data Center location on the CWI campus in Amsterdam. The study was carried out on behalf of Nederland ICT during the summer of 2017. You can download the slides of the presentation…

Dutch Digital Economy Accelerates

Digital Transformation is the process that shows how digital technologies impact business communication, decision making, automation and innovation. The speed at which digital transformation is reshaping our economy, however, is not constant and, as a recent study of DHPA, DDA, ISPConnect and The METISfiles concluded, can be positively influenced by taking a few measures regarding…

The Dutch Digital Footprint

Charting the Digital Economy Part V: The Dutch Digital Footprint In our previous blog we calculated the Dutch Gross Domestic Digital Product (GDDP) at € 129 billion almost a quarter of GDP. However this is only the direct effect of ICT on the Dutch economy. In reality the impact of ICT on the Dutch economy…

Charting the Digital Economy: …Part IV

Based on an extensive analysis of the Digital Value Add of Dutch organizations The METISfiles has valued the Gross Digital Domestic Product at €129 billion, 22% of Dutch GDP. Read more below! Digital Value Add In our previous discussions (here, here and here) surrounding the Dutch Digital economy we concluded that the current sizing is…