It is Official: an E-book is a Book

Back in 2012 a study “E-Lending Public Libraries”, carried out on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of OCW (Education, Culture and Science), concluded that the existing lending right regime of the Dutch copyright act did not apply to e-books. Moreover the study also concluded that the current European law and regulation framework does not offer…

Dutch Start-Ups Go International

Two Dutch startups are exploring new horizons. De Correspondent, a Dutch digital only magazine, and Blendle, an article republisher, both recently announced plans to conquer the international market. De Correspondent wants to take the plunge into the US while Blendle is putting their investor’s money in the German market. Publishing however has never been a…

Tom Kabinet Lives Another Day

Amsterdam Court ruling on the Tom Cabinet case:”Selling second hand e-books through the Tom Kabinet website may for now continue” A month ago we wrote about the second hand e-book site of Tom Kabinet which was accused  of copyright infringement and supporting e-book piracy by the Dutch Trade Publishers Association GAU.  Although odds were against…

The Curious Case of Tom Kabinet

In the recent past The METISfiles reported on traditional content publishers. We think they are an endangered species because they don’t seem to be able to come up with digital publishing value-add.  And now there is Tom Kabinet, another challenger to the publishing industry. In the world of books an e-book format is considered a…