Rise of the Machines Part 6: Self Driving Drones

Drones are hot, especially the flying ones. Their greatest benefit is their ability to perform arial surveys at very low cost. Packed with sensors and still evolving in range and size they are loved by information centric organizations. A drone’s ability to carry cargo, however, is still somewhat cumbersome. Information has no weight but physical…

Retail, Coffee and Work

Retail Last year the METISfiles reported on the demise of retail shops in city centers. With consumer e-commerce  growth reaching 17% in 2016, and total consumer commerce growing 1.7%  traditional commerce is up the creeks. It is not that 1.7% growth in consumer commerce is low, on the contrary, it is a healthy number compared…

The Real Reason People Pirate Software

Last May the Business Software Alliance (BSA) released its biennial global report on software piracy. The report gives an overview of the level of PC software piracy in 116 markets (111 countries plus 5 rest-of-regions) by calculating the piracy rate per country. The piracy rate is defined as the share of unlicensed software packages in…

Shifting From KWh to Mbps

Not so long ago triple play (3P) sounded like the ultimate thing. Subscriptions that offered the combination of Internet access, TV and telephony in one bundle  were the way to go. The ease of doing businesses, the discount, and just one provider to complain to. Obviously, not long after, 3P providers started to offer quadplay…